Let me assure you now that this isn't going to be a post about how the world is going to end in the year 2012. In fact, it's the complete opposite. And that's why the title is "2012: An Inconvenient Truth" - because it's inconvenient to the people that believe the world is going to end.
With the aid of Google, I found myself a list of "220 Dates for the End of the World."
I'm not impressed.
Frankly, the world was supposed to end in 44 B.C. Prophecies of fires, earthquakes that will rattle the world and the return of Jesus Christ have been told to occur sometimes more than three times a year.
Who the hell started this nonsense, anyways? He or she is probably laughing in their grave as I speak.
As most people are aware of the controversy ("Is the world really going to end in 2012?) that is now sweeping the nation - let alone the Earth - what should really be acknowledged is that the world is allegedly going to "end" in 2036.
Seriously people, let's make up our minds: 1988, 1992, 2000, 2012, 2036? Or how about "The world really isn't going to end on a predicted date."?
What else should be considered is that the world could abruptly implode or spontaneously combust before you even finishing reading this "rant blog".
The Mayan calendar came to an abrupt halt on December 22, 2012. Most people want to know: Why? And this is where the conspiracies have started. But has anyone really thought that, "hey, you know what? Maybe the Mayans became lazy. Maybe they were sick and tired of writing up a calendar, doing all the math and considering those leap years that in reality, nobody can really comprehend." Or perhaps, "It has been said that the Mayan's marked the end of each era - every 26,000 years. Maybe this is the end of an era? The era of technology?" Or, "The era of the beginning of Global Warming!" But that's a rant for another day.
You're probably wondering where this rant is going, and I can assure you that if I continue, it'll probably go off the deep end. You might hear of how I blame the Bible, because a decent size of the predictions I have stumbled across mention the Bible. "Hell hath no fury," but Heaven appears to have a bit of a "fury". I won't go any farther from there, because - like the global warming (which, in all truth, I do believe is something that is threatening the Earth) it is a rant for another day.
All in all, let me sum up this rant politely and liberally:
My thoughts on the "The world is ending in 2012" is that it's not going to happen. The world was going to end in 2000, but seeing as how the Earth has held it's weight for a good nine years, I'm not entirely concerned. If our planet ceases to exist after a series of fires, tsunamis, and other disasters, I will embrace my demise with open and accepting arms, admitting that I, and this tirade, was wrong.